Multiple Choice Questions on Civil Engineering

Category: Civil Engineering

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1-The rock which shows great variation in water yielding capacity is ________
(A) Marble
(B) Coal
(C) Granite
(D) Sandstone
2-Sedimentary deposits consisting of alternate thin layers of silt and clay are called as
(A) Varved clays
(B) Calcareous clays
(C) Expansive clays
(D) Dispersive clays
3-Which of the following stone is recommended for road metal work ?
(A) marble
(B) slate
(C) quartzite
(D) sandstone
4-A metallic tape is made of
(A) cloth interwoven with metallic fibers
(B) a composite material of steel and brass
(C) Invar
(D) Steel
5-A pycnometer is used to determine which of the following?
(i) Specific Gravity (ii) Moisture Content (iii) Dry Density (iv) Void Ratio
(A) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(B) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(C) (i) and (ii)
(D) Only (i)
6-The fineness of cement can be found out by sieve analysis using IS sieve number
(A) 20
(B) 10
(C) 9
(D) 6
7-Normal tension for a tape is defined as the pull
(A) that equalizes the effect due to the slope
(B) which equalizes the effect due to sag
(C) applied for standardizing the tape
(D) applied by an average adult
8-If the permeability of a soil is 0.8 mm/sec, the type of soil is
(A) Clay
(B) Silt
(C) Sand
(D) Gravel
9-The coarse sand has fineness modulus in the range of
(A) 2.9 – 3.2
(B) 2.6 – 2.9
(C) 2.4 – 2.6
(D) 2.2 – 2.4
10-Long span bridge has length
(A) More than 600 m
(B) More than 120 m
(C) Between 120 m and 160 m
(D) Between 60 m and 120 m
1-(D), 2-(A), 3-(C), 4-(A), 5-(C), 6-(C), 7-(B), 8-(C), 9-(A), 10-(B)

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