Automobile Engineering Questions

Category: Automobile Engineering

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6 min read

11-Which of the following does not relate to compression ignition engine?
(A) Fuel
(B) Governor
(C) Fuel injector
(D) Carburetor
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) Carburetor[/expand]
12-The venturi in the carburetor cause:
(A) Decrease of air velocity
(B) Decrease of fuel flow
(C) Increase of air velocity
(D) None of the above
[expand title=“View Answer“](C) Increase of air velocity[/expand]
13-The parking brakes employed in vehicle are
(A) Hydraulically operated
(B) Mechanically operated
(C) Pneumatically operated
(D) None of the above
[expand title=“View Answer“](B) Mechanically operated[/expand]
14-The brake lining consists mainly of:
(A) Cast iron
(B) Copper
(C) Asbestos
(D) Rubber
[expand title=“View Answer“](B) Mechanically operated[/expand]
15-The common firing order of six cylinder engine is:
(A) 1-5-3-6-2-4
(B) 1-5-2-4-6-3
(C) 1-3-5-2-4-6
(D) 1-6-5-4-3-2
[expand title=“View Answer“](A) 1-5-3-6-2-4[/expand]
16-The function of a shackle with a leaf spring is to:
(A) Allow pivoting of spring end
(B) Control the front torque
(C) Control the side vibration
(D) Allow spring length to change
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) Allow spring length to change[/expand]
17-The process of removing entrapped air from the hydraulic brake system, is known as
(A) Bleeding
(B) Cleaning
(C) Facing
(D) Trapping
[expand title=“View Answer“](A) Bleeding[/expand]
18-The minimum number of oil compression rings in an automobile is:
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four
[expand title=“View Answer“](B) Two[/expand]
19-The part of crank shaft to which connecting rod is connected is called:
(A) Crank web
(B) Small end
(C) Big end
(D) Crank pin
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) Crank pin[/expand]
20-The air fuel mixture required at the time of starting the engine is
(A) Lean mixture
(B) Rich mixture
(C) Stoichiometric mixture
(D) Any of the above
[expand title=“View Answer“](B) Rich mixture[/expand]

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