Automobile Engineering Questions

Category: Automobile Engineering

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21-The discharged lead acid battery has on its plates:
(A) Sulphuric acid
(B) Lead peroxide
(C) Spongy lead
(D) Lead sulphate
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) Lead sulphate[/expand]
22-The device for smoothening out the power impulse from the engine is called:
(A) Gearbox
(B) Clutch
(C) Governor
(D) Flywheel
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) Flywheel[/expand]
23-The inner end of the axle shaft is splined to the:
(A) Planet pinion
(B) Bevel pinion
(C) Crown Wheel
(D) Sun gear
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) Sun gear[/expand]
24-If the engine coolant leaks into the engine oil, then engine oil:
(A) Turns black
(B) Turns grey in color
(C) Appears milky
(D) Brown in color
[expand title=“View Answer“](C) Appears milky[/expand]
25-_ type of reflector used for automobile head lights is:
(A) Circular
(B) Hyperbolic
(C) Spherical
(D) Parabolic
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) Parabolic[/expand]
26-_ is the tendency of the fuel to change from the liquid state to the vapor state at any given temperature:
(A) Density
(B) Volatility
(C) Plasticity
(D) Viscosity
[expand title=“View Answer“](B) Volatility[/expand]
27-Which of the classification indicates multi-grade oil?
(A) SAE 90
(B) SAE 30
(C) API 60
(D) SAE 20W50
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) SAE 20W50[/expand]
28-Automobile gears are generally made of:
(A) Aluminium alloy
(B) Cast iron
(C) Medium carbon steel
(D) Alloy steel
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) Alloy steel[/expand]
29-_ is a gas that pollutes the air and mainly released by cars and other vehicles
(A) Nitrogen gas
(B) Carbon di-oxide
(C) Carbon monoxide
(D) Hydrogen gas
[expand title=“View Answer“](C) Carbon monoxide[/expand]
30-If the compression ratio of IC engine increases then its thermal efficiency will:
(A) Decreases
(B) Increases
(C) Remain same
(D) None of the above
[expand title=“View Answer“](B) Increases[/expand]

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