Automobile Engineering Questions

Category: Automobile Engineering

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31-The radiator core is made of:
(A) Copper
(B) Aluminum
(C) Cast iron
(D) Brass
[expand title=“View Answer“](B) Aluminum[/expand]
32-The slip joint permits a change in the:
(A) Angle of drive
(B) Rotation of the shaft
(C) Speed of the shaft
(D) Length of the shaft
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) Length of the shaft[/expand]
33-The choke in an automobile is meant for supplying:
(A) Rich mixture
(B) Weak mixture
(C) Lean mixture
(D) None of the above
[expand title=“View Answer“](A) Rich mixture[/expand]
34-The distance between the centres of the front wheel is called
(A) Turning angles
(B) Wheel angle
(C) Axle length
(D) Wheel track
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) Wheel track[/expand]
35-In a diesel engine, fuel and air mixes together in the
(A) Carburetor
(B) Fuel pump
(C) Fuel injector
(D) Combustion chamber
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) Combustion chamber[/expand]
36-In an automobile gear transmission the counter shaft drive gear is meshed with the gear on the:
(A) Clutch shaft
(B) Main shaft
(C) Axle shaft
(D) Propeller shaft
[expand title=“View Answer“](A) Clutch shaft[/expand]
37-The fundamental operating principle of alternator:
(A) Electromagnetic induction
(B) Electromagnetic pressure
(C) Pascal’s law
(D) Fleming’s law
[expand title=“View Answer“](A) Electromagnetic induction[/expand]
38-_ component that connects the rack to the steering knuckles is:
(A) Pinion
(B) Splined shaft
(C) Universal joint
(D) Tie rod
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) Tie rod[/expand]
39-The part not to be lubricated is
(A) Differential gear box
(B) Gear box
(C) Crank shaft
(D) Thermostat
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) Thermostat[/expand]
40-_ types of gear boxes are used in motor cycles:
(A) Constant mesh
(B) Progressive type gearbox
(C) Epicyclic Gear Box
(D) Synchronous mesh gearbox
[expand title=“View Answer“](A) Constant mesh[/expand]

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