Basic Electrical Engineering Questions

Category: MCQ

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5 min read

1-A substance that has low retentivity cannot be used for the manufacturer of:
(A) Electro magnet
(B) Permanent magnet
(C) Temporary magnet
(D) Paramagnets
2-A DC generator works on the principle of
(A) Faraday’s laws of electromagnetism induction
(B) Faraday’s laws of electrolysis
(C) Mutual induction
(D) Fleming’s left hand rule
3-Which one of the following generator is used for charging batteries with constant voltage?
(A) Compound generator
(B) Series generator
(C) Alternator
(D) Shunt generator
4-Heat developed in a semiconductor is proportional to the:
(A) Square of the power
(B) Square of the time
(C) Square of the current
(D) Square of the resistance
5-The armature core is laminated to minimize the:
(A) Iron loss
(B) Eddy current loss
(C) Hysteresis loss
(D) Friction loss
6-The direction of rotation of a DC motor is determined by
(A) Fleming’s right hand rule
(B) Fleming’s left hand rule
(C) Right hand grip rule
(D) Maxwell’s cork screw rule
7-If the area of cross section of a wire with a given length is doubled its resistance will
(A) Be doubled
(B) Be halved
(C) Remain same
(D) Be four times more
8-A fuse rating is expressed in terms of:
(A) Voltage
(B) Current
9-The back e.m.f. of a DC motor depends on:
(A) Shape of conductors
(B) Field flux
(C) Types of commutator
(D) Brush material
10-In a parallel circuit the total resistance is
(A) The sum of individual resistances
(B) Equal to highest resistance value
(C) More than the smallest resistance
(D) Less than the smallest resistance of the combination
1-(B), 2-(A), 3-(D), 4-(C), 5-(B), 6-(B), 7-(B), 8-(B), 9-(B), 10-(D)

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