Chassis of an automobile

Category: Automobile Engineering

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1 min read

The chassis of an automobile consists of all the units necessary to propel the vehicle, to give it a direction, stop it and allow it to run smoothly even on uneven surfaces or roads. The chassis contains the following components.

  • Frame
  • Differential
  • Front suspension
  • Silencer
  • Steering mechanism
  • Hydraulic cables
  • Battery
  • Radiator
  • Fuel tank
  • Road wheels
  • Transmission system
  • Braking system
  • Propeller shaft
  • Shock absorbers

The chassis can be divided into two parts
1. Running gear: It includes brakes, suspension system, frame, steering system and the road wheels, differential radiator.
2. Power plant: It includes all the parts responsible for generating the power and transmit it to the wheels. It consists of Engine assembly and transmission system.

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