11-The eye responds to a range of illumination levels extending over a million orders of magnitude
(A) 0.0001 lux to 0.1 lux
(B) 0.1 lux to 100000 lux
(C) 100000 to 200000 lux
(D) more than 200000 lux
12-The sum of the times the scraper requires to traverse each segment of the haul and return routes is called the
(A) haul time
(B) travel time
(C) dump time
(D) load time
13-It combines the heating effect of radiation incident on a building with the effect of warm air.
(A) Surface resistance
(B) Absorptivity
(C) Cavity resistance
(D) Sol-air temperature
14-The fill factor (in %) for front shovel buckets when loading clay or earth into excavator bucket is in the range
(A) 85 – 90
(B) 90 – 95
(C) 95 – 100
(D) 100 – 110
15-___ is a language and tool for assessing the spatial scale of environmental impact.
(A) Ecological Footprinting
(B) Eco balance
(C) Entropy
(D) Ecological baselining
16-The survey where curvature of earth can not be neglected is called ___ surveying.
(A) Geodetic
(B) Geologic
(C) Geodesic
(D) Geographic
17-In landform modification, areas where proposed contour are lower than existing ones are called
(A) Crop
(B) Cut
(C) Dune
(D) Dump
18-Which of the following is not a passive heating technique?
(A) Thermosiphon
(B) Sun space
(C) Troumbe wall
(D) Evaporative cooling
19-The survey concerns with the mapping of information on water is ___ survey.
(A) Hydro geographical
(B) Hydrosphere
(C) Hydrographical
(D) Hydro
20-CET is an thermal comfort index and is written as
(A) Common External Temperature
(B) Central External Temperature
(C) Corrected Effective Temperature
(D) Comfort Effective Temperature
11-(B), 12-(B), 13-(D), 14-(D), 15-(A), 16-(A), 17-(B), 18-(D), 19-(C), 20-(C)
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