31-According to Doxiadis, mono centric city developing in one direction is called
(A) Dynapolis
(B) Dynametropolis
(C) Dynapoloiscentric
(D) Monopoly
32-___ implies that elements in a composition belong together and have visual relatedness.
(A) Variety
(B) Rhythm
(C) Balance
(D) Unity
33-The vertical member between two treads is called
(A) Flier
(B) Heighter
(C) Riser
(D) Rise
34-___ is an architectural frame set into a wall, drawing attention to a piece of art.
(A) Arabesque
(B) Aedicule
(C) Barbican
(D) Altar
35-The distance a Lift car can travel little beyond the terminal landing is called as
(A) Runto
(B) Runway
(C) Runfor
(D) Runby
36-One or more of the large cities in a country that holds a relatively high percentage of the total urban population is referred as
(A) Primate City
(B) Hyper City
(C) Cosmo City
(D) Metro City
37- ___ is a device for showing the location of a car in the hoist way.
(A) Slacker
(B) Runby
(C) Indicator
(D) Position Indicator
38-The increase in the overall population that resides in urban areas is referred as
(A) Deconcentration
(B) Urbanisation
(C) Decentralisation
(D) Aggolomeration
39- ___ is placed in ducts to control the direction, velocity and volume of circulating air in ducts.
(A) Lucifiers
(B) Pampers
(C) Dampers
(D) Thord
40-The minimum width of the fire escape stairs shall be
(A) 1.00 m
(B) 1.25 m
(C) 1.5 m
(D) 2.0 m
31-(A), 32-(D), 33-(C), 34-(B), 35-(D), 36-(A), 37-(D), 38-(B), 39-(C), 40-(B)
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