MCQ on Basic Electrical Engineering

Category: MCQ

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3 min read

1-What effect of electric current is used in electric motors?
(A) chemical effect
(B) magnetic effect
(C) heating effect
(D) shock effect
2-What does S.W.G. stands for?
(A) Standard Western Gauge
(B) Swiss Wire Gauge
(C) Swiss Western Gauge
(D) Standard Wire Gauge
3-Combination pliers are not used for
(A) cutting
(B) twisting
(C) hammering
(D) holding
4-Armouring is provided in the cable to safeguard against:
(A) moisture entry
(B) white ant
(C) bursting of failure
(D) mechanical damage
5-A source of e.m.f. is required in order to:
(A) prevent the escape of electrons
(B) insulate the electrons from the unbalanced atoms
(C) get the electrons into motion
(D) change the property of conductance into resistance
6-According to Fleming’s Left Hand Rule, the angle between the thumb, middle finger and forefinger must be
(A) 180° between any two
(B) right angle between any two
(C) all must be 45° apart
(D) mutually at right angle to each other
7-Luminous efficiency of a Fluorescent Tube is:
(A) 30 lumen/watt
(B) 40 lumen/watt
(C) 60 lumen/watt
(D) 80 lumen/watt
8-What is the unit of Magneto Motive Force?
(A) Volt
(B) Ampere
(C) Ampere-turns
(D) Weber
9-Whenever the magnetic flux linking with a conductor changes, an e.m.f. is induced in that conductor. The above statement is due to:
(A) Weber and Ewing’s law
(B) Faraday’s law of electrolysis
(C) Coulomb’s law
(D) Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction
10-Which of the following is not a diamagnetic material?
(A) Air
(B) Water
(C) Glass
(D) Sulphur
1-(B), 2-(D), 3-(C), 4-(D), 5-(C), 6-(D), 7-(C), 8-(C), 9-(D), 10-(D)

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