MCQ on Boiler

Category: Thermodynamics

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6 min read

21-Water treatment for steam boiler is generally required
(A) To remove hydrogen
(B) To prevent scale formation
(C) To improve combustion efficiency
(D) To reduce stack temperature
22-A rise in conductivity of boiler feed water indicates
(A) Drop in the contamination of feed water
(B) Greater purity of feed water
(C) Rise in the contamination of feed water
(D) It has got no relation with the contamination of feed water
23-In regenerative cycle feed water is heated by
(A) Flue Gas
(B) Bleed steam from Turbine
(C) Auxiliary Heaters
(D) All of the above
24-Feed check valves is used in order to
(A) Regulate flow to boiler
(B) Check the level of water in boiler
(C) Recirculate feed water
(D) Allow high pressure feed water to boiler and not allow reverse flow
25-A device which is used to drain off water from steam pipes without escape of steam is called
(A) Steam separator
(B) Steam trap
(C) Pressure reducing valve
(D) Injector
26-3 Ts in boiler combustion represents
(A) Time – Transfer – Turbulence
(B) Time – Temperature – Thermometer
(C) Time – Temperature – Turbulence
(D) All of the Above
27-Which of the following boiler accessories does not need flue gas for its operation
(A) Economizer
(B) Preheater
(C) Injector
(D) Super heater
28-Reheating of steam is used
(A) To increase efficiency
(B) To increase work output
(C) To cool turbine blades
(D) To reduce pollution
29-Locomotive type boiler is
(A) Horizontal multi tubular water tube boiler
(B) Water wall enclose furnace type
(C) Vertical tubular fire tube type
(D) Horizontal multi tubular fire tube boiler
30-The type of firing used for a Pulverized coal fired boiler is
(A) Over firing
(B) Tangential Firing
(C) Vertical Firing
(D) None of the above
21-(B), 22-(C), 23-(B), 24-(D), 25-(B), 26-(C), 27-(C), 28-(A), 29-(D), 30-(B)

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