MCQ on Boiler

Category: Thermodynamics

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6 min read

1-In which the following regions of a boiler would you find the highest temperature of flue gas?
(A) Economizer
(B) Air Preheater
(C) Boiler Drum
(D) Superheater
2-Based on flue gas flow the boiler bank types are possible:
(A) Single-pass cross flow
(B) Multipass cross flow
(C) Multipass longitudinal flow
(D) All are possible
3-In which of the following units can a boiler’s rating be described?
(A) kg of steam generated at specified pressure and temperature
(B) MW of turbine capacity
(C) Kcal/hour (Rate of heat generation in furnace)
(D) All of the above
4-The ratio of mass rate of water feeding to the steam-generating tubes to the mass flow rate of generated steam is defined as
(A) Steam generation ratio
(B) Circulation ratio
(C) Turndown ratio
(D) Evaporation ratio
5-The Circulation ratio for once through steam boilers is
(A) Greater than 1
(B) Less than one
(C) Unity
(D) Can take any value depending on type of circulation employed
6-Which of the following will be ideal for heat transfer in a heat exchanger
(A) Superheated steam
(B) Saturated dry steam
(C) Wet steam
(D) Hot water
7-High pressure boilers are always
(A) Bottom supported
(B) Top supported
(C) Can be supported from either
(D) None of the above
8-Which of the following is the most suitable candidate to act as Emergency Shutdown valve?
(A) Gate Valve
(B) Globe Valve
(C) Butterfly Valve
(D) Both (A) and (C)
9-Following is centrifugal separation device used in steam drum
(A) Turbo separators
(B) Baffle plates
(C) Screen tubes
(D) All of the above
10-To drain condensate from main steam line, the following type of trap is a suitable trap.
(A) Float
(B) Bimetallic
(C) Thermodynamic
(D) None of the above
1-(D), 2-(D), 3-(D), 4-(B), 5-(C), 6-(B), 7-(B), 8-(C), 9-(A), 10-(C)

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