Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers on Ecosystems

Category: Environmental Science

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31-Of the solar radiation that does reach the earth’s surface (incident energy), about __ % is ultraviolet.
(A) 10
(B) 20
(C) 30
(D) 40
[expand title=“View Answer“](A) 10[/expand]
32-The following is the correct grazing food chain
(A) Grass – Grasshopper – Frog – Snake – Hawk
(B) Grass – Frog – Grasshopper– Snake – Hawk
(C) Grass – Grasshopper – Frog – Hawk – Snake
(D) Grass – Grasshopper – Snake – Frog – Hawk
[expand title=“View Answer“](A) Grass – Grasshopper – Frog – Snake – Hawk[/expand]
33-Carnvores are at
(A) First trophic level
(B) Second trophic level
(C) Third trophic level
(D) Fourth trophic level
[expand title=“View Answer“](C) Third trophic level[/expand]
34-Which of the following is not a type of Ecological pyramid?
(A) The Pyramid of Numbers
(B) The Pyramid of Biomass
(C) The Pyramid of Energy
(D) The Pyramid of Food
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) The Pyramid of Food[/expand]
35-The Pyramid of Biomass is based on
(A) The total dry weight
(B) Calorific value
(C) Total amount of living material
(D) All of the above
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) All of the above[/expand]
36-The following is (are) the cause(s) for Ecological succession.
(A) Biotic causes
(B) Climatic causes
(C) Continuing causes
(D) All of the above
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) All of the above[/expand]
37-The following succession are visible on sea-coasts
(A) Sand dune succession
(B) Bog succession
(C) Succession in Oceans
(D) All of the above
[expand title=“View Answer“](A) Sand dune succession[/expand]
38-In Desert Ecosystem, Shrubs or Bushes are
(A) Producer organisms
(B) Consumers
(C) Decomposers
(D) None of the above
[expand title=“View Answer“](A) Producer organisms[/expand]
39-An estuary
(A) is rich in nutrients
(B) usually support an abundance of fish
(C) is area where river join the sea/ocean
(D) all of the above
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) all of the above[/expand]
40-The following is not a type of Ecosystem.
(A) Grassland Ecosystem
(B) Aquatic Ecosystem
(C) Desert Ecosystem
(D) Mountain Ecosystem
[expand title=“View Answer“](D) Mountain Ecosystem[/expand]

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