MCQ on Electronics and Communication Engineering

Category: MCQ

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36-Compandor, in digital communication refers to:
(A) Compressor
(B) Expander
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
37-Magnitude of the signal formed by Q and I represent:
(A) Hue
(B) Brightness
(C) Contrast
(D) Color Saturation
38-JPEG 2000 standard uses:
(A) DCT transformation
(B) Hilbert transformation
(C) Wavelet transformation
(D) DST transformation
39-Numerical aperture for a multimode fiber is in the range of
(A) 0 to 0.1
(B) 0.1 to 0.2
(C) 0.2 to 0.3
(D) 0.3 to 0.4
40-Select the correct statement for 8051 hardware
(A) CPU 8 Bit, PC 16 Bit, DPTR 8 Bit, PSW 16 Bit, SP 16 Bit
(B) CPU 8 Bit, PC 8 Bit, DPTR 16 Bit, PSW 16 Bit, SP 8 Bit
(C) CPU 8 Bit, PC 16 Bit, DPTR 8 Bit, PSW 8 Bit, SP 16 Bit
(D) CPU 8 Bit, PC 16 Bit, DPTR 16 Bit, PSW 8 Bit, SP 8 Bit
41-The ADC0804 has ______ resolution.
(A) 32 bit
(B) 16 bit
(C) 8 bit
(D) 4 bit
42-AD 670 is a:
(A) Successive approximation ADC
(B) Dual slope ADC
(C) Counter ramp ADC
(D) Flash ADC
43-PWM switching is preferred in voltage source inverters for the purpose of:
(A) Controlling output voltage
(B) Reducing filter size
(C) All the above
(D) None of the above
44-Stepper motors are mostly used for:
(A) high power requirements
(B) control system applications
(C) very high speed of operation
(D) very low speed of operation
45-The most suitable device for high frequency inversion in SMPS is:
36-(C), 37-(D), 38-(A), 39-(A), 40-(D), 41-(C), 42-(A), 43-(A), 44-(D), 45-(C)

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