MCQs on Parthenocarpy

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1. The process by which fruits are developed without fertilization is called ___.
(a) Apomixis
(b) Parthenocarpy
(c) Parthenogenesis
(d) Self-pollination
Answer: (b)
2. In which of the plant species, parthenocarpy takes place?
(a) Mango
(b) Banana
(c) Peach
(d) Jackfruit
Answer: (b)
3. Which of these plants will lose their economic value if its fruits are as a result of induced parthenocarpy?
(a) Banana
(b) Orange
(c) Grape
(d) Pomegranate
Answer: (d)
4. Which of the following plant hormones stimulates the development of parthenocarpic fruit?
(a) Auxin
(b) Cytokinin
(c) Gibberellins
(d) All of the above
Answer: (d)
5. Which of the following statement is false about parthenocarpy?
(a) Fruits developed are seedless
(b) The Ovary is stimulated with pollination
(c) The process is used as it yields high quality and consistency
(d) None of the above
Answer: (b)
6. The fruit in tomato is classified into ___.
(a) Pepo
(b) Pome
(c) Drupe
(d) Berry
Answer: (d)
7. Which of the following statement is false about Fabaceae?
(a) It was earlier mentioned to as Papilionoideae
(b) It is widely distributed across the world
(c) It is common to find plants with fibrous root system here
(d) It is a subfamily of family Leguminosae
Answer: (c)
8. Which of the following statement is false about Hilum?
(a) Hilum lies underneath micropyle
(b) Ccar over the seed coat
(c) Growing seeds are attached to the fruit through the hilum
(d) All of the above
Answer: (a)
9. What is the fruit of wheat and rice called?
(a) Follicle
(b) Caryopsis
(c) Siliqua
(d) Achene
Answer: (b)
10. Which of the following is not an agricultural product?
(a) Rice
(b) Jute
(c) Alum
(d) Cotton
Answer: (c)

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