MCQ Questions on Area and Volume

Category: Mathematics

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1- The cost of levelling a rectangular ground at Rs. 1.25per m2 is Rs. 900. If the length of the ground is 30 m, then the width is
(A) 20 m
(B) 24 m
(C) 28 m
(D) 32 m
2-If the side of a square be increased by 4 cms, the area increases by 60 cms2 . The side of the square is
(A) 5.5 cm
(B) 10 cm
(C) 12.5 cm
(D) 15 cm
3- If the surface areas of two spheres are in the ratio of 4:25 then the ratio of their volume is
(A) 4:25
(B) 25:4
(C) 125:8
(D) 8:125
4-The ratio of the area of a square to that of the square drawn on its diagonal is
(A) 1:1
(B) 1:2
(C) 1:3
(D) 1:4
5- The length of the longest rod that can be placed in a room of dimensions 10m x 10m x 5m is
(A) 10 m
(B) 15 m
(C) 20 m
(D) 25 m
6-The radius of a circular cylinder is the same as that of a sphere. There volumes are equal. The height of the cylinder is
(A) 1/3 times its radius
(B) 2/3 times its radius
(C) ½ times its radius
(D) 4/3 times its radius
7-Find the surface area of a cube when its volume is 729 mm3.
(A) 332mm2
(B) 486mm2
(C) 432mm2
(D) 211mm2
8-Find the total surface area of a pyramid having a slant height of 6 cm and a base which is a square of sides 4 cm each.
(A) 64cm2
(B) 22cm2
(C) 33cm2
(D) 75cm2
9-Find the area of a triangle if its breadth and length are 8cm and 15cm respectively.
(A) 60cm2
(B) 22cm2
(C) 34cm2
(D) 24cm2
10-. What is the area of an equilateral triangle with each side being 8cm long?
(A) 13cm2
(B) 22√3cm2
(C) 54cm2
(D) 16√3cm2
1-(B), 2-(A), 3-(D), 4-(B), 5-(B), 6-(D), 7-(B), 8-(A), 9-(A), 10-(D)

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