Multiple Choice Questions on Basic Electrical Engineering

Category: MCQ

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11-The time taken by an alternating quantity to complete one cycle:
(A) Time period
(B) Frequency
(C) Angular velocity
(D) Time constant
12-Specific gravity of a fully charged lead acid cell is approximately:
(A) 1.18
(B) 1.21
(C) 1.17
(D) 1.16
13-Illumination of a surface is inversely proportional to:
(A) Luminous intensity
(B) Distance from the source
(C) Square of the distance from the source
(D) Total Lumen
14-Speed of dc motor is directly proportional to ___ and inversely proportional to:
(A) flux, back emf
(B) current, back emf
(C) back emf, flux
(D) back emf, voltage
15-Inductive reactance of a coil having inductance 4 H:
(A) 796 x 10-6 Ω
(B) 1256 Ω
(C) 314 Ω
(D) 628 Ω
16-Generator efficiency is maximum when
(A) Variable loss is minimum
(B) Constant loss = Variable loss
(C) Constant loss is minimum
(D) Constant loss is half of the variable loss
17-Effective capacitance of capacitors connected in series, is
(A) C = C+ C+ C+ C+……
(B) 1/C = 1/C+1/C+ 1/C+ 1/C+……
(C) C = 1/C+ 1/C+ 1/C+ 1/C+……
(D) C = 1/C– 1/C+ 1/C– 1/C+……
18-Which is active component?
(A) Capacitor
(B) Transistor
(C) Inductor
(D) Resistor
19-Form factor =
(A) rms value / average value
(B) average value / rms value
(C) rms value / peak value
(D) peak value / rms value
20-Admittance is the ___ of conductance and suspectance.
(A) Arithmetic mean
(B) Arithmetic difference
(C) Vector sum
(D) Reciprocal
11-(A), 12-(B), 13-(C), 14-(C), 15-(B), 16-(B), 17-(B), 18-(B), 19-(A), 20-(C)

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