41-Which type of motor is used in portable drilling machine?
(A) Induction motor
(B) DC series motor
(C) Universal motor
(D) Shaded pole motor
42-Moving Iron volt meter reads ___ value.
(A) Peak
(B) rms
(C) Average
(D) Peak to peak
43-Doelectric strength of air is ___ kv/mm.
(A) 2.5
(B) 25
(C) 3.2
(D) 16
44-Negative plate of lead acid cell is made of
(A) Carbon
(B) Spongy lead
(C) Lead peroxide
(D) Cadmium
45-RMS value = ___ x Maximum value
(A) 0.636
(B) 0.85
(C) 0.607
(D) 0.707
46-The tube of fluorescent lamp is filled with:
(A) Mercury and Nitrogen
(B) Mercury and Argon
(C) Nitrogen and Argon
(D) Oxygen and Argon
47-Ammeter shunt is ___ resistance.
(A) High
(B) Medium
(C) Low
(D) Very high
48-Transformers are rated in:
(A) KW
(B) MW
49-18 SWG = ____ mm
(A) 1.22
(B) 1.42
(C) 0.91
(D) 0.61
50-___ is known as universal gate.
(A) AND gate
(B) NAND gate
(C) OR gate
(D) NOT gate
51-Electrolyte used in Edison cell:
(A) H2SO4
(B) HCl
(D) MNO2
52-1 KWh =
(A) 36 x 102 J
(B) 36 x 103 J
(C) 36 x 104 J
(D) 36 x 105 J
41-(C), 42-(B), 43-(C), 44-(B), 45-(D), 46-(B), 47-(C), 48-(C), 49-(A), 50-(B), 51-(C), 52-(D)
Multiple Choice Questions on Basic Electrical Engineering
Category: MCQ
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