Multiple Choice Questions on Civil Engineering

Category: Civil Engineering

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11-Plastic limit is the water content ______
(A) above which the soil stops behaving as a plastic material
(B) below which the soil stops behaving as a plastic material
(C) removed from the soil to make it plastic
(D) mixed in the soil to make it plastic
12-The lime which sets on absorbing CO2 from atmosphere is
(A) fat lime
(B) rich lime
(C) feebly hydraulic lime
(D) lean lime
13-Bearings are provided in bridges to
(A) allow displacement in vertical and horizontal directions
(B) transfer forces from sub-structure to super-structure
(C) restrict translation and rotation in bridges
(D) allow translation and rotation in bridges
14-Flow index is
(A) the rate at which a soil mass gains its shear strength with a decrease in water content
(B) the rate at which a soil mass loses its shear strength with a decrease in water content
(C) the rate at which a soil mass gains its shear strength with an increase in water content
(D) the rate at which a soil mass loses its shear strength with an increase in water content
15-Which of the following is not an intrusive igneous rock ?
(A) basalt
(B) diorite
(C) gabbro
(D) granite
16-The Super Passage is a hydraulic structure
(A) which connects two aqueducts
(B) which carries water from a source to a distribution point far away
(C) in which the irrigation canal passes over the natural stream
(D) in which the natural stream passes over the irrigation canal
17-Proctor test is performed on the soil for
(A) assessing its degree of compaction
(B) assessing its bearing capacity
(C) assessing its shear strength
(D) grain size analysis
18-Which of the following is a significant constituent of sedimentary rock?
(A) halite
(B) calcite
(C) hematite
(D) magnetite
19-Smith’s test of stones is performed to find out
(A) the toughness of the stone
(B) the hardness of the stone
(C) the compressive strength of the stone
(D) the presence of soluble matter of stone
20-Standard Penetration Test is carried out on which type of soils?
(A) Very Stiff Clays
(B) Gravely Soils
(C) Medium Clays
(D) Cohesionless Soils
11-(B), 12-(D), 13-(A), 14-(D), 15-(A), 16-(D), 17-(A), 18-(B), 19-(D), 20-(D)

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