Statistics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Category: Mathematics

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11- The value of the power function at a parameter point is called the ___ at that point.
(A) Power of the test
(B) Power efficiency
(C) Type II error
(D) Size of the test
12-What sampling design is most appropriate for cluster sampling?
(A) quota sampling
(B) stratified random sampling
(C) simple random sampling with replacement
(D) simple random sampling without replacement
13-Level of significance is the probability of
(A) Type I error
(B) Type II error
(C) Not committing error
(D) Any of (B) and (C)
14- The Neyman-Pearson lemma provides the best critical region for testing ___ null hypothesis against ___ alternative hypothesis.
(A) composite, simple
(B) composite, composite
(C) simple, composite
(D) simple, simple
15- Systematic sampling means
(A) Selection of n middle units in a sequence
(B) Selection of n largest units
(C) Selection of n units situated at equal distances
(D) Selecting of n units contiguous units
16- Ordinary sign test utilises
(A) Weibull distribution
(B) Gamma distribution
(C) Binomial distribution
(D) Poisson distribution
17- The assumption that the variable of the residuals about the predicted dependent variable scores should be the same for all predicted scores reflects which assumption?
(A) homogeneity
(B) multicollinearity
(C) homoscedasticity
(D) singularity
18- The treatments are applied at random to relatively homogeneous units within each strata or block. Then the design is a  
(A) Youden Square Design
(B) Latin Square Design
(C) Randomised Block Design
(D) Completely Randomised Design
19- The other name of empirical distribution function is
(A) Continuous distribution function
(B) Sample distribution function
(C) Pareto distribution function
(D) Parent distribution function
20- The arithmetic mean of two regression co-efficients of a regression line is 0.7 and correlation co-efficient is 0.75. The results are:
(A) conclusive
(B) inconclusive
(C) invalid
(D) valid
11-(A), 12-(D), 13-(A), 14-(D), 15-(C), 16-(C), 17-(C), 18-(C), 19-(B), 20-(C)

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