Statistics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Category: Mathematics

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21- Suppose the price of a commodity is RS.20 in 2010 and RS.30 in 2015. From 2010 to 2015, the price of commodity is increased by
(A) 100%
(B) 75%
(C) 50%
(D) 25%
22- Error sum of squares in RBD as compared to CRD using the same material is
(A) Not-comparable
(B) Equal
(C) Less
(D) More
23- An appropriate control chart for number of defectives is
(A) d-chart
(B) c-chart
(C) u-chart
(D) p-chart
24- The farces like floods, earthquakes, famines are classified under the components
(A) Cyclical variations
(B) Irregular variations
(C) Seasonal variations
(D) Trend
25- The pairwise contrasts among the three treatment is
(A) T1 + T3 – 2T2
(B) T3 – T1
(C) T1 + T2 – 2T3
(D) 2T1 + T2 – 3T3
26- In economics and business the index numbers are classified into ___ types.
(A) Five
(B) Four
(C) Three
(D) Two
27- Moving average method of fitting trend in a time series data removes the effect of
(A) irregular variation
(B) cyclical variation
(C) short-term movements
(D) long-term movements
28- The degrees of freedom for F-ratio in a 6 x 6 Latin square. design is
(A) (6, 20)
(B) (6, 15)
(C) (5, 20)
(D) (5, 15)
29- If μ and σ are the process mean and standard deviation, then the control limits μ ± σ are known as
(A) modified control limits
(B) unspecified control limits
(C) specified control limits
(D) natural control limits
30- Basically, sampling inspection plan provides
(A) adequate protection to consumer and no protection to consumer
(B) adequate protection to consumer only
(C) adequate protection to producer only
(D) adequate protection to producer and consumer very economically
21-(C), 22-(C), 23-(A), 24-(B), 25-(B), 26-(B), 27-(C), 28-(C), 29-(D), 30-(D)

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