Statistics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Category: Mathematics

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31- The method used for measuring seasonal variations are
(A) Method of least square
(B) Ratio-to moving average method
(C) Method of semi averages
(D) Method of moving averages
32- One ticket is selected at random from 100 tickets ) numbered from 0, 1, 2,….99. If X ‘and Y denote the sum and product of the digit, on the tickets then P(X =9/Y = 0)=
(A) 2/19
(B) 3/19
(C) 4/19
(D) 5/19
33- Sign test is related to testing of ___ or ___ of the sample.
(A) mean, S.D.
(B) mean, median
(C) mode, median
(D) mean, mode
34- Among the following various methods which method is suitable for measuring trend values
(A) Free hand method
(B) Simple average method
(C) Moving average method
(D) Both (A)and (C)
35- The skewness in a binomial distribution will be zero if
(A) p < 1/2
(B) p = 1/2
(C) p > 1/2
(D) p < q
36- Which of these non-parametric tests is equivalent to the paired-t-test in parametric tests?
(A) Run test
(B) Kruskal Walli’s test
(C) Median test
(D) Sign test
37- Number of periods included in a group for moving averages depend on ___ in a time series data
(A) Curvilinear trend
(B) Cyclic fluctuations
(C) Seasonal fluctuations
(D) Period of oscillation
38- For n > 4 and n < 30, the t-distribution curve with regard to peakedness is
(A) Bimodal
(B) Leptokurtic
(C) Platykurtic
(D) Mesokurtic
39- To test a hypothesis involving proportions np and n(1- p) should
(A) be greater than 50
(B) let in the range of 0 to 1
(C) be greater than 5
(D) be at least 30
40- Adjustments practices while editing the time series data for analysis in
(A) Quality, price, and locality
(B) Locality variation
(C) Price variation
(D) Quality variation
31-(B), 32-(A), 33-(B), 34-(D), 35-(B), 36-(D), 37-(D), 38-(B), 39-(C), 40-(C)

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