21-The Chi-square test can be used:
(A) to make inference about a population mean
(B) to test for homogeneity of proportions
(C) to test for difference in two variances
(D) for pairwise multiple comparisons of means
22-The Theorem, which states that if either the primal or dual has a finite optimal solution then the other one also possess the same, and the optimal values of the objective functions of two problems are equal, is called
(A) Duality theorem
(B) Complementary Slackness theorem
(C) Unboundness theorem
(D) None of the above
23-A frequency polygon is a close figure of
(A) Many sides
(B) Two sides
(C) Three sides
(D) None of these
24-Which of the following is not true about confidence intervals?
(A) The intervals give a range of values within which the true value will lie
(B) 95% confidence interval means that 95% of all observed values fall within that interval
(C) They indicate the presence or otherwise of a statistical difference between two groups
(D) The intervals are larger with smaller sample size
25-The statement “As the income grows, the share of income spent on food decreases” is called
(A) Marshall’s Law
(B) Engel’s Law
(C) Supply Law
(D) Demand Law
26-Classification is applicable in case of:
(A) Qualitative characters
(B) Quantitative characters
(C) Normal characters
(D) Both A and B
27-How to decide the normality test with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test?
(A) When P- value >0.05, then the data don`t follow normality
(B) When P- value < 0.05, then the data don`t follow normality
(C) When P- value < 0.05, then the data follows normality
(D) When P- value > 0.05, then the data follows normality
28-ACRP stands for –
(A) Allied-Climatic Regional Planning
(B) Agro-Climatic Regional Planning
(C) Agro-Climatic Rational Planning
(D) Agro-Commodity Regional Planning
29-Which of the following is not correct?
(A) The p-value measures the probability that the null hypothesis is true
(B) The power of a test depends upon the sample size and distance between the null and alternative hypothesis
(C) The probability of a type II error is controlled by the sample size(n)
(D) The probability of a type I error is controlled by the selection of level of significance (α)
30-The number of values that are free to vary after we have placed certain restrictions upon the data is called:
(A) Number of samples
(B) Number of parameters
(C) Confidence coefficient
(D) Degrees of freedom
21-(B), 22-(A), 23-(A), 24-(C), 25-(B), 26-(D), 27-(D), 28-(B), 29-(A), 30-(D)
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