31-The theory that says the level of population at which per capita income is maximum is
(A) Theory of demographic transition
(B) Theory of population by Malthus
(C) Theory of optimum population
(D) None of the above
32-Since α = probability of type I error then what is 1-α ?
(A) Probability of rejecting H0 when H1 is true
(B) Probability of not rejecting H0 when H1 is true
(C) Probability of not rejecting H0 when H0 is true
(D) Probability of rejecting H0 when H0 is true
33-Newton forward interpolation formula is used for _________ intervals.
(A) closed
(B) equal
(C) unequal
(D) open
34-Who predicted that population would increase by geometric progression, while food production would increase in arithmetic progression?
(A) Jean Gottmann
(B) Emile Durkheim
(C) Ferdinand Tonnies
(D) Thomas Robert Malthus
35-The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true is called:
(A) Difficult to tell
(B) Power of the test
(C) Level of significance
(D) Level of confidence
36-A technique used when selecting cluster of different size is called:
(A) Probability proportional to size or pps
(B) Two-stage sampling
(C) Quota sampling
(D) Cluster sampling
37-The female unemployment rate as a percentage of the male unemployment rate is the:
(A) underemployment ratio
(B) female unemployment ratio
(C) unemployment gender ratio
(D) sex unemployment ratio
38-The alternative hypothesis is also called:
(A) Simple hypothesis
(B) Research hypothesis
(C) Statistical hypothesis
(D) Null hypothesis
39-To determine the quality of manufactured product, an inspection of every 10th item is made, then the sampling plan is
(A) Systematic sampling
(B) Two-stage sampling
(C) Stratified sampling
(D) Simple random sampling
40-Graphical representation of total population of country, male and female population ratio and old and young people ratio is classified as
(A) population characteristics pyramid
(B) resource pyramid
(C) population pyramid
(D) population density pyramid
31-(C), 32-(C), 33-(B), 34-(D), 35-(C), 36-(A), 37-(C), 38-(B), 39-(C), 40-(C)
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